Hello Future Marcus,
You have a love hate relationship with Christianity right now. You’re emotions have never been so volatile. But here are a few prayer mantras that have been on your heart recently. You might forget them as time passes, and they could even seem like mere ramblings to you in the future. The first two are inspired by Genesis 1, while the last one reflects the concept of “the nature of praise.”
Present Marcus
Prayer Mantra #1 (version iono)
Our Father in heaven.
Blessed are we that by your powerful voice – you spoke – and laid the foundations of the heavens and the earth.
Your voice thunders in marvelous ways. and You do this so that we may STOP and be in awe of all your wonders.
You galactified the galaxies – and constellated the constellations. You scattered over a hundred million stars across the night sky – and you know them by name.
You did ALL this in just 4 words, “Let there be stars”, and it didn’t exhaust You – You didn’t become any less.
Your voice is resounding – and reverberates throughout ALL of creation.
The heavens declare your glory, the skies proclaim your workmanship and everything that has breath praises you.
So let us breathe and voice out the character of your Word.
- Let Your name be hallowed on Earth as it is in heaven.
- Let Your kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven.
- Let Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
For in the same way you spoke and built the foundations – let us too speak – and build each other up. Whether it’s through words of encouragement or through words of rebuke. Let us build each other up in love and in truth – For we were made in your image. For we were made in your OWN image.
So may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts, be pleasing in your sight – our Lord, our Rock and Redeemer.
Prayer Mantra #2 (version iono)
For context, prayer mantra #2 is expounding on Genesis 1:27 “Let us make man in our own image”
Our Father in heaven.
Blessed are we – that by your son – we are able to call you our father.
For you are not just a powerful God who created us in community, You are a powerful God who is already in a community.
For it’s only when you have created us that your plurality was brought out. The Trinity – wrapped up in a circle of a dance- going around in perfect harmony – able to delight and be delighted ini each other – to enjoy and be enjoyed – praise and be praised – love and be loved – and most importantly to know and be known.
And then you said, “Let us make man in our own image”.
It’s like you are saying “Let us make humanity be able to experience what We are able to give each other”.
So now – we too are able to participate in this dance.
So now – we too are able to love and be loved, see and be seen, hear and be heard, and most importantly to know and be known.
This is a gift – the ability to form relationships of all kinds:
From parent-child relationships to sibling relationships
From friendships to romantic relationships
And perhaps the most profound of all human relationships is one found in a marriage. Marriage is not falling in love, nor catching feelings. Marriage is neither a ditch you fall into, nor a virus you catch. Marriage is a promise – a promise to be committed. For marriage is the character of love to bind with the person whom you truly love. And in this way you give yourself to the other – because that’s the best thing you have. This is a mystery – for marriage is somehow the re-enactment of the gospel.
So blessed are we that by your son – we are able to call you our father.
For unto us a child is born
And unto us a son was given
The government shall be upon his shoulders
And He shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.
Prayer Mantra #3 (version iono)
TODO: convert jumbled mess of thoughts into a prayer
Context, “Isn’t it selfish of God to command us to praise Him?”. To command such glory and praise for Him and Him only – sounds like the work of an egotistical maniac. “We praise and share what we enjoy”.
This is evident in our everyday lives. We share about that new restaurant around the corner, that new dessert place in which we delight in, that new travel destination, the country side, the road for riding your motorcycle, that blockbuster movie, that hit song, etc
We don’t praise said mentioned things because we were commanded to.
Nor do we praise these things because we feel obligated to.
We praise because it is the overflow of joy.
“praise is the overflow of joy”.
In other words, “praise completes the joy”.
This is why when something delights us, we immediately share it to a loved one.
For Joy shared is doubled.
Perhaps this is what it means to praise God.
Perhaps this is why one would praise God.
Perhaps this is how one should praise God.
I don’t think I have the means to praise God.
I don’t have this want. But perhaps you do have that want to want.
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