“Let us make mankind in our image” – God
If the God of Christianity exists… Then He is not just a powerful God who created relationships, but He is a powerful God who is already in a relationship. It is only when God created humanity that His plurality was brought out. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit – the Trinity – a mysterious concept. It’s like they are in some kind of dance, wrapped up in a bosom. And in this dance they are able to: enjoy and be enjoyed, praise and be praised, love and be loved, and know and be known. And when God said “Let us make mankind in our image” it’s like He’s saying, “Let us make mankind be able to give each other what We are able to give each other”. Now we able to participate in this kind of dance; to see and be seen, to hear and be heard, and to know and be known. This is a gift – whether or not God exists – the ability to form relationships of all kinds: from parent-child relationships to sibling relationships, and from friendships to romantic relationships. This is a gift – a beautiful gift – for all of us to enjoy.
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